Wallabe Interactive 3D App

Product Walk-through In 3D

Wallabe Interactive 3D Web App

The Wallabe 3D Interactive web app demonstrates the features, materials and modularity of the Wallabe product.

WebGL interactive 3D apps are ideal for product demonstrations, sales and educational tools.
It runs natively in any browser using WebGL technology. We optimized Wallabe’s design files and modeled up a digital replica of the modular wall.

Interactivity is key to the success of a 3D web app.
The user can zoom into the model, pan around and turn the 3D model to see the various parts and features of the modular wall.
Hot spot labels pull up more information about each piece giving contextual information.
The menu allows users to scroll through different views to see how the wall is built up layer by layer.
You can view different modular configurations or watch a virtual assembly of all the pieces from frame to cabinets.

The interactive 3D app is being used for investor presentation and on the web as a marketing and sales tool.


Wallabe Interactive 3D Web App



What We Did

3D Modeling, Texturing, WebGL Development, UI, UX

Wallabe WebGL Intective 3D app frame view
Microsoft Hololens
Marketing Across Multiple Channels

Wallabe Interactive Campaign

As part of an integrated marketing campaign, we built both the interactive 3D app and a Hololens AR experience to be viewed at events.
Integrated campaigns allow for consistent messaging and savings in development and time costs.

Take a look at the Hololens App here to see how mobile AR can be used to explain product workflows.

Wallabe AR Mobile App


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